Facial Fat Transfer

Enhance Your Facial Structure with Fat Injections  

As we age, our bodies inevitably change. 

 As a result, some may experience facial aging. Facial aging is not always caused by gravity alone. This can look like wrinkles, sunken cheeks, and loss of volume in one's face caused by the loss or redistribution of fat. The general loss of volume in faces may accentuate the bony contours of the cheeks, eyes, and irregularities of the face.   

However, there is a medical procedure that offers a long-term, natural solution to this. The answer is fat transfer injections. Fat transfer, otherwise known as fat grafting, lipofilling, or fat injections is a minimally invasive medical procedure that uses a person's own fat to fill in grooves or irregularities of the face. This treatment is used to enhance facial fullness, build up shallow contours, and fill creases to create a youthful appearance.   

Unlike fillers, this procedure has longer-lasting results with interims of maintenance. The treatment takes care of facial volume loss and skin laxity simultaneously, making it a double threat.  Instead of using another substance for a filler, fat grafting uses living cells from your body to integrate with existing fat for natural results.  

Benefits of Fat Transfer Injections

  • Volume Restoration  
  • Reduced wrinkles   
  • Improved skin tone and texture  
  • Longer lasting results than fillers  
  • Natural looking results 

How do Facial Transfer Fat Injections Differ From Fillers? 

Dermal fillers address deep wrinkles and volume using an artificial gels like hyaluronic acid.  Depending on the procedure, there are different fillers available which will be administered via injection.  Fillers require no anesthesia and little to no downtime. However, fillers only last 6-18 months. Fat injections is a more complex surgical procedure than fillers but yield longer lasting results and a solution for a complete volume restoration. An added bonus of fat injections is that they can be paired with other treatments for a total restoration.  

How Fat Injections Are Done  

This is a relatively painless procedure that can take an hour or less to perform. First, a donor area is determined such as the abdomen or flanks, and liposuction is used to extract the desired fat. Then, the removed fat is purified and injected into the designated areas with small droplets of fat being injected at a time.  

Treatment Areas


Fine Lines and Wrinkles Around the Eyes





Lower Face

Lower Face and Mouth


Dermal fillers address deep wrinkles and volume using an artificial gels like hyaluronic acid.  Depending on the procedure, there are different fillers available which will be administered via injection.  Fillers require no anesthesia and little to no downtime. However, fillers only last 6-18 months. Fat injections is a more complex surgical procedure than fillers but yield longer lasting results and a solution for a complete volume restoration. An added bonus of fat injections is that they can be paired with other treatments for a total restoration.  


This is a permanent solution minus some initial reabsorption and also further aging. You'll notice immediate results, however the final results will be seen roughly in 6 months. 

 This is because some of the fat cells will not survive the transfer and will be reabsorbed by the body. As a precaution, we will overcompensate slightly with extra fat. Once the swelling subsides and the fat redistributes and settles, your results will become noticeable. Typically, results for this procedure are permanent for more than 50% of patients. Thus, interim maintenance may be necessary. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Although fat is extracted from the body from donor areas, this procedure is not intended for weight loss. Not enough fat will be removed to make a significant impact. 


The consultation will discuss realistic expectations of the procedure and if you are a potential candidate. The basic requirements for this procedure include healthy patients who have adequate fat to harvest.  

Give your facial appearance a refresh today with fat transfer injections!