Fat Reduction & Body Sculpting

Vanquish ME™ vs. CoolSculpting®



Vanquish ME is the only FDA cleared Contactless device. It never touches the skin. Panels emitting Radio Frequency warm the fat to 45C which most patients say it feels comfortable like a heating pad. The treatment is very comfortable. No pain during or after treatment.


CoolSculpting Is FDA cleared device that comes in contact with the skin & underlying tissue. The handpieces are placed on the treatment areas and use suction to “pull” the tissue up into device, which can cause discomfort, pain, bruising, and swelling. Long term post treatment nerve pain and numbness have been reported.

Treats More Areas:

Such as Abdomen, Flanks, Thighs, Back (Bra Fat), Upper Arms (Bat Wings), Knees and Upper Posterior Thigh below buttock AKA ”Banana Roll”.

Can treat:

Abdomen, Flanks, Thighs, Upper Arms, Upper Back and Chin. Does not treat Knees or “Banana Roll”.

Treats More Patients:

Ideal candidates are between 30-40% BMI (Body Mass Index).

Ideal candidates limited

to patients with a BMI 30% or less.

Affordable Treatments:

Vanquish Me does not require any other consumables to perform treatments. Consumables drive up treatment costs and prices. Usually 4-6 sessions are performed, on average, to treat abdomen & flanks.

More Expensive Treatments:

CoolSculpting does require consumables to be purchased to operate device and treat each patient. That raises the price to the patient substantially - nearly the same price as Liposuction.

Faster Results:

Treatments take about 45 minutes and may be done weekly to biweekly. Results are usually seen during the treatment series. Final results are achieved 6 weeks post last treatment.

Slower Results:

Treatments can last 2-6 hours, depending on how many sites are chosen. It is recommended to wait 30-60 days before retreatment. Final results can take up to 4 months after last treatment.

Higher Patient Satisfaction:

Vanquish ME is the only fat reduction device to have a long term post treatment study conducted in 2017. At 4 years post-treatment, 75% of patients maintained results achieved.

Patient Satisfaction Varies:

Because the handpieces do not cover entire treatment area the results can be “spotty” - not smooth and cohesive. No long term study. Also a condition known as Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia has been reported. PAH can cause the fatty tissue to thicken & expand, causing the area to be larger permanently.


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Vanquish ME™?

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